
Сообщения за декабрь, 2020

clinics in us

When public mention contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are required to comply with the highest standards. The problem today is that any results of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being properly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and tried to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website has a full publications list with corresponding scores above 100 as well as reports dis...

Trending with Impact: Exacta® Guides Treatment and Identifies HER2

In a case presentation paper, Encyclopedic Tumor Analysis guided researchers in identifying HER2 overexpression in a patient with distal common bile duct carcinoma and in personalizing his treatment regimen. Microscopic ductal cell carcinoma. Adenonocarcinoma from human breast cancer tissue. Magnification 400X Microscopic ductal cell carcinoma. Adenonocarcinoma from human breast cancer tissue. Magnification 400X The Trending with Impact series highlights publications attracting higher visibility among readers around the world online, in the news, and on social media—beyond normal readership levels. Look for future science news and articles about the latest trending publications here and at Oncotarget.com. — Researchers from multiple highly-regarded institutions located in India and from the Medical College of Wisconsin in the United states wrote a paper on the case presentation: “Liquid biopsy and multi-analyte testing guided treatment of HER2 positive periampullary adenocarcinoma w...

clinics in us

When people speak of today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most crucial roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The problem today is that any results of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being adequately checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and decided to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website demonstrates a complete publications list with respective scores above 100 as well as re...

Trending with Impact: Vitamin D Potential Use in BRCA1 Ovarian Cancer

In carriers of the BRCA1 gene mutation, researchers have found vitamin D biosynthesis and signaling to be impaired. This study provides a viable reason to explore the potential use of vitamin D in treatments to prevent ovarian cancer in women with the BRCA1 mutation. hospitals in usa New-York hospital Los Angeles hospital 3D illustration of the female reproductive system anatomy 3D illustration of the female reproductive system anatomy The Trending with Impact series highlights Oncotarget publications attracting higher visibility among readers around the world online, in the news, and on social media—beyond normal readership levels. Look for future science news and articles about the latest trending publications here, and at Oncotarget.com. — At this point in time, there is only one nutrient in the human body that can be generated via exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is not only biologically produced by UV light; it can also be metabolized by eating oily fish, such as salmon and ...

clinics in us

When general population mention modern medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The challenge today is that any conclusions of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and decided to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website has a full publications list with respective scores higher than 10...

us clinics lists

When public refer to contemporary medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to comply with the highest standards. The challenge nowadays is that any outcomes of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being adequately checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this challenge and decided to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with corresponding sc...

Oncotarget: сахарный диабет связан с метастазами колоректального рака в печень

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Сахарный диабет связан с метастазами колоректального рака в печень из-за образования стромы рака, богатой бигликанами », в котором сообщается, что в этом исследовании авторы исследовали взаимосвязь между наличием сахарного диабета и прогрессированием и метастазированием CRC в печень. Также были исследованы гистопатологические находки в первичных поражениях, которые были предпочтительнее осложненного диабетом CRC и метастазов в печень. Гистопатологические данные коррелировали с метастазами в печень при DM-CRC, включая степень почкования, периневральную инвазию и строму миксоматозной опухоли, и все они сильно коррелировали со стадией. Кроме того, миксоматозная строма показала самую сильную корреляцию с метастазами в печени при многомерном анализе. Миксоматозная строма в случаях III стадии коррелировала с рецидивом печени. Доктор Хироки Куниясу из Медицинского университета Нара сказал: « Сахарный диабет - это социальная проблема в развитых странах из-...

us hospitals lists

When people speak of contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to meet the top standards. The issue nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being properly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this issue and decided to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with respective scores higher than 100 as...

Oncotarget: мезотелин с высокой цитотоксической активностью.

Oncotarget опубликовал « Двойную В- и Т-клеточную деиммунизацию рекомбинантного иммунотоксина, нацеленного на мезотелин с высокой цитотоксической активностью », в котором сообщалось, что рекомбинантные иммунотоксины - это генно-инженерные белки, разрабатываемые для лечения рака. Они состоят из Fv, нацеленного на раковый антиген, и части белкового токсина. Начиная с иммунотоксина, у которого подавлены В-клеточные эпитопы, авторы поэтапно добавляли мутации, которые подавляют Т-клеточные эпитопы. Конечный белок имеет значительно сниженную антигенность, что оценивается по связыванию с антисывороткой человека, и значительно сниженную способность активировать хелперные Т-клетки, оцененные в анализе активации Т-клеток. LMB-T14 вызывает полную ремиссию ксенотрансплантата рака, экспрессирующего мезотелин. Подход, использованный в этом исследовании Oncotarget, может быть использован для деиммунизации других терапевтических чужеродных белков. hospitals in us clinics in us us clinics lists ...

clinics in us

When general population refer to contemporary medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to meet the highest standards. The challenge nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being adequately checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and attempted to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That helps both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with respective ...

us clinics lists

When general population speak of contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most crucial roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the top standards. The problem today is that any results of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being properly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That allows both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with corresponding scores higher than 10...

us clinics lists

Oncotarget опубликовал « Cis-действующие элементы в его 3'-UTR, опосредующие посттранскрипционную регуляцию KRAS », в котором сообщалось, что ген KRAS кодирует ключевой сигнальный белок, а его информационная РНК содержит исключительно длинную 3'-UTR; это говорит о том, что он может быть объектом очень сложного набора регуляторных процессов. Используя обширный анализ делеций и мутаций в сочетании с анализами репортера люциферазы, исследовательская группа определила ингибирующие и стабилизирующие цис-действующие области в пределах 3 'UTR KRAS, которые могут взаимодействовать с miRNA и РНК-связывающими белками, такими как HuR. В частности, они идентифицировали богатый AU 49-нуклеотидный фрагмент в 3 'UTR KRAS, который необходим для репрессии репортера 3' UTR KRAS. Кроме того, они идентифицировали другой 49-нуклеотидный фрагмент, который необходим для стимулирования экспрессии репортера KRAS 3 'UTR. Эти находки указывают на то, что множественные цис-регуляторные...

us hospitals lists

When general population speak of contemporary medicine, precision plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the top standards. The issue nowadays is that any conclusions of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and decided to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That helps both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with respective sco...

us clinics lists

Oncotarget published "BMP9/ALK1 inhibits neovascularization in mouse models of age-related macular degeneration" which reported that the drawbacks of inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor currently used for the treatment of AMD, which include resistance and potential serious side-effects, require the identification of new therapeutic targets to modulate angiogenesis. BMP9 signaling through the endothelial Alk1 serine-threonine kinase receptor modulates the response of endothelial cells to VEGF and promotes vessel quiescence and maturation during development. Here, the researchers show that BMP9/Alk1 signaling inhibits neovessel formation in mouse models of pathological ocular angiogenesis relevant to AMD. Activating Alk1 signaling in laser-induced choroidal neovascularization and oxygen-induced retinopathy inhibited neovascularization and reduced the volume of vascular lesions. Alk1 signaling was also found to interfere with VEGF signaling in endothelial cells ...

hospitals in us

When people refer to today’s medicine, precision plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the top standards. The challenge nowadays is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being precisely checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and tried to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a complete publications list with corresponding scores above 100 as...