
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2020

clinics in us

When people speak of today’s medicine, precision plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to meet the highest standards. The challenge today is that any results of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this challenge and attempted to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with respective scores above 100 as...

Oncotarget: Th1 cytokines potentiate apoptosis of breast cancer cells and suppress tumor growth

 Volume 11, Issue 30 of Oncotarget reported that previously, the authors showed that anti-estrogen drugs combined with a dendritic cell-based anti-HER-2 vaccine known to induce strong Th1-polarized immunity dramatically improved clinical response rates in patients with HER-2pos/ERpos early breast cancer. Here, the Oncotarget authors show that the small molecule Akt antagonist MK-2206, when combined with the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, maximize indicators of apoptotic cell death in a panel of phenotypically-diverse human breast cancer lines. These findings were mirrored by other, structurally-unrelated Akt-targeting drugs that work through different mechanisms. Interestingly, they found that MK-2206, as well as the other Akt antagonist drugs, also had a tendency to suppress Th1 cytokine expression in stimulated human and murine lymphocytes, potentially complicating their use in conjunction with active immunotherapy.

us clinics lists

When general population speak of contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are necessary to meet the top standards. The problem nowadays is that any recommendations of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being precisely checked and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and decided to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with corresponding scor...

Oncotarget: Ghrelin ameliorates tumor-induced adipose tissue atrophy and inflammation

  Oncotarget Volume 11, Issue 35 published "Ghrelin ameliorates tumor-induced adipose tissue atrophy and inflammation via Ghrelin receptor-dependent and -independent pathways" by Liu et. al which reported that Ghrelin has been proposed as a treatment for cancer cachexia partly by preventing AT atrophy. This study characterizes the pathways involved in AT atrophy in the Lewis Lung Carcinoma -induced cachexia model and those mediating the effects of ghrelin in Ghsr / and Ghsr–/– mice. Ghrelin administration prevented LLC-induced anorexia only in Ghsr /, but prevented WAT lipolysis, inflammation and atrophy in both genotypes, although its effects were greater in Ghsr /. LLC-induced increases in BAT inflammation, WAT and BAT thermogenesis, and energy expenditure were not affected by ghrelin. In conclusion, ghrelin ameliorates WAT inflammation, fat atrophy, and anorexia in LLC-induced cachexia. Dr. Jose M. Garcia from The Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, The Univ...

us clinics lists

When public mention today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to meet the highest standards. The problem nowadays is that any recommendations of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being adequately verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and tried to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That helps both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with respective scores higher than...

us hospital

When general population speak of contemporary medicine, precision plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Likewise, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the top standards. The problem today is that any conclusions of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being precisely verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a complete publications list with corresp...

Oncotarget: Simvastatin is a potential candidate drug in ovarian clear cell carcinomas

  Oncotarget recently published "Simvastatin is a potential candidate drug in ovarian clear cell carcinomas" which reported that based on previous studies, the authors assessed the anti-proliferative effect of simvastatin, a Rho GTPase interfering drug, in three OCCC cell lines: JHOC-5, OVMANA and TOV-21G, and one high-grade serous ovarian cancer cell line, Caov3. The authors used the Rho GTPase interfering drug CID-1067700 as a control. All OCCC cell lines were more sensitive to single-agent simvastatin than the HGSOC cells, while all cell lines were less sensitive to CID-1067700 than to simvastatin. Most treatments inhibited migration, while only simvastatin and CID-1067700 also disrupted actin organization in the OCCC cell lines. Treatments with simvastatin consistently reduced c-Myc protein expression in all OCCC cell lines and displayed evidence of causing both caspase-mediated apoptotic cell death and autophagic response in a cell line dependent manner. Conclusively, ...

hospitals in us

When people refer to modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The issue today is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being properly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this challenge and tried to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with corresponding scores above 100...

прогностические биомаркеры тройного отрицательного рака груди, экспрессирующего Trop-2

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Прогностические биомаркеры эффективности сакитузумаба-говитекана при тройном отрицательном раке молочной железы, экспрессирующем Trop-2 » , в котором сообщается, что авторы исследовали, играют ли экспрессия Trop-2 и гомологичная рекомбинационная репарация SN-38-опосредованных разрывов двухцепочечной ДНК роль в чувствительности тройного отрицательного рака груди к SG. Кроме того, два Trop-2-трансфектанта MDA-MB-231, C13 и C39 обрабатывали мышей SG, чтобы определить, улучшает ли увеличение экспрессии Trop-2 эффективность SG. SG опосредует> 2-кратное увеличение Rad51 в MDA-MB-231, но не оказывает эффекта на SK-MES-1 или HCC1806, что приводит к более низким уровням разрывов дцДНК в MDA-MB-231. SG и физиологический раствор производили аналогичные эффекты у родительских мышей с опухолью MDA-MB-231. Однако у мышей, несущих опухоли C13 и C39 с более высокой экспрессией Trop-2, после трансфекции Trop-2 SG обеспечивал значительное улучшение выживаемости да...


When public mention contemporary medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are required to comply with the highest standards. The challenge nowadays is that any results of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and decided to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with respective scores hig...


When people speak of modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The challenge today is that any conclusions of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and tried to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That helps both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a full publications list with corresponding scores higher than 10...